Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At Norfolk Community Law Service we treat everyone as equals. We are committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among our clients, workforce and volunteers.

The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society and our clients, and for each client, employee and volunteer to feel respected, listened to and able to give their best.

The organisation – in providing services – is also committed against unlawful discrimination of clients or the public.

These are reflected in our Mission and Values, which are outlined below and drive everything that we do.


To empower the people of Norfolk to assert their legal rights, using advice, education and representation.


People centred
We understand that everyone is an individual and will treat clients, staff and volunteers with respect and dignity. We strive to provide inclusive, accessible services delivered with compassion and kindness. Our workplace is flexible, supportive and provides learning and development opportunities for staff and volunteers.

We believe that everyone has equal value and huge potential no matter their past background or current circumstances. We believe everyone has a right to access to justice.

We exist to help secure justice for our clients and will always put their best interests at the heart of everything we do.

Our services will be delivered to the highest standards. We will be the best that we can be in the pursuit of justice.

We are committed to being part of the Norfolk Community Advice Network (NCAN). We will work with partners locally, regionally and nationally who share our vision for a just and fair society.

We are innovative and agile. We respond to the changing local and national agenda to ensure we are relevant today and in the future.